We developed completely new technology for 3D reconstruction with drones

Formed as a spin-off company at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology – Skopje, Vision Dynamix developed a product that is competitive with those who are developing by the Silicon Valley startups. It becomes a choir for software platform (Dynamix Mapper) that creates 3D maps with high precision, using the state-of-the-art algorithm for […]

We developed completely new technology for 3D reconstruction with drones Read More »

Drone photogrammetry vs SLAM. Can state-of-the-art SLAM systems replace well-established photogrammetry solutions for aerial mapping?

In drone survey missions the choice of technology used to be between two well-established systems, photogrammetry, and LiDAR dependent systems. When choosing the technology you need to consider operational factors such as cost and complexity. With the recent development of computer systems, algorithms, and larger popularization of autonomous vehicles systems for Simultaneous Localization And Mapping

Drone photogrammetry vs SLAM. Can state-of-the-art SLAM systems replace well-established photogrammetry solutions for aerial mapping? Read More »

System for 3D reconstruction implemented with simultaneous localization and mapping with a single camera

The physical world comprises a massive and virtually unexplored geospatial data set. Drones are making it possible to capture and analyze this information at scale for the first time presenting the opportunity for thousands of disruptive applications across virtually every industry. Companies using drones are reaping the benefits of completing core operational requirements faster, safer,

System for 3D reconstruction implemented with simultaneous localization and mapping with a single camera Read More »